Reasons for corrosion of stainless steel 316L water pipelines


Stainless steel is one of the most used categories of steel it is an alloy of iron and other materials that provide its special characteristics and distinguish it from other metals. Stainless steel is the most admired metal because of its properties. It is corrosion-resistant and prevents pipelines from heating. The most durable stainless pipe fittings can be produced from it. 

 Possessing an oxide layer makes it look all the way shinier from other plan metals. That Stainless steel 316L grade is one of the most important austenitic stainless steel. It is molybdenum-bearing grade and is a composition of iron and chromium majorly. The molybdenum provides the property of corrosion resistance. Additionally, these grades are exceptionally tough even at cryogenic temperatures due to their austenitic structure.Until unless these are disrupted there is rarely a chance of stainless steel 316L grade getting corroded. 

                    Factors that can corrode stainless steel

          Chloride causes corrosion in stainless steel

        Salt and chlorides (such as chlorine) can cause extreme pitting corrosion in many types           of stainless steel alloys. Poor grade of stainless steel may start to corrode when it is                used for water pipelines as seawater is rich in chlorine. To avoid corrosion only pure                grade 316L should be used as it has a specialized coating that protects it from chlorides.          Manufacturers sometimes may not add extra layering which in turn becomes an issue              later. Hence, it is advisable to only get it from trusted companies.

 Bimetallic from welding

Manufacturers can sometimes weld two dissimilar metals together either by mistake or due to design requirements but it only increases the risk for the water pipelines. 

Let’s get into some science here well, when two dissimilar metals are connected with a common electoral metal it will automatically produce a flow of current making the less noble metal anode and this will gradually start making the stainless steel water pipe corrosive. 

Make sure when you are planning a design with a stainless steel manufacturer company you.Always opt for a design that does not need connectivity of two dissimilar metals to avoid this issue in general.

Transplanting stainless steel- 

Plain steel residue sometimes may get transferred to the surface of another steel or application. This stainless steel will disrupt another stainless steels work pieces, it is necessary to properly clean and prepare equipment before switching to new material. Steel brushes, for example, should never be shared between metal types.

Companies like Rhinox help you in identifying the best-suited grade for your household or industrial sector. Water pipelines are major parts of our lives and hence should be only manufactured by reliable companies. Rhinox stainless steel pipes and fittings are considered one of the best in the global market. The uses grade 316L and their manufacturers ensure that all of the above-mentioned causes of corrosion are strictly avoided, making it durable and corrosion-resistant





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